Remote & Onsite Compass Adjustment Services
Despite the proliferation of Electronic Navigational Aids (ENA), the magnetic compass retains its indispensability in maritime navigation due to its autonomy from external power or inputs, distinguishing it as the sole directional device unaffected by such dependencies.
Adjusting the magnetic compass on a steel ship is imperative to emulate the behavior of a nonmagnetic vessel, ensuring its optimal functionality. The magnetic characteristics of the ship induce deviations, sluggishness, and instability in the compass. The meticulous alignment of soft iron and magnetic correctors strategically placed around the binnacle, configured to counterbalance the magnetic forces of the ship, serves to minimize deviations and eliminate areas of instability and sluggishness. This precise calibration process is commonly referred to as compass adjustment.
Our team of adept compass adjusters, comprised of seasoned professionals, is committed to ensuring the presence of a duly compensated compass on board. This involves conducting adjustments with precision, whether performed on-site or remotely, thus upholding the reliability and performance of this vital navigational instrument.